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Chi tiết tài liệu

 Proposing a problem-based learning organizational procedures to foster problem-solving competency associated with students. Maiors: an illustrative example for nursinc maiors

Proposing a problem-based learning organizational procedures to foster problem-solving competency associated with students. Maiors: an illustrative example for nursinc maiors

Tác giả: Tuong, Duy Hai

Nhà xuất bản: Univirsity Of Education Publisher

Năm xuất bản: 2022

Loại tài liệu: Article

Nguồn gốc: http://thuvienso.bvu.edu.vn/handle/TVDHBRVT/20532  

Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Chủ đề: Problem-solving competency; Problem-solving learning


Nowadays, at universitles, the learning outcomes in training pragrams tequle students to have the practical knowledge to salve canplexprcblems related to thetraining field. ]n this atticle, bosed an literatute teviews, we propose ptablem-based learning organizatianol procedures to foster problemsolving campetency assaciated with students'majors and gives an ilustrative exanple when teaching sane knowledge afNuclear Physics to Nursing students.Ihe article's results help lecturer referral in teaching Physics Biophysics, ather subjects to neet the leorning outcones, contributing to inprovinq the quality ofhighereducauon in Vietnam

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