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 Learning competence of IIS.A1 program students: A study of UEH-IIS

Learning competence of IIS.A1 program students: A study of UEH-IIS

Tác giả: Nguyen Truong An

Nhà xuất bản: University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City; ISB (International School of Business)

Năm xuất bản: 2022

Loại tài liệu: Master's Theses

Nguồn gốc: http://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/63936  

Ngôn ngữ: English

Chủ đề: Learning competence; Financial pressure; Learning management; Management system; Program administration; Parental pressure


As a country undergoing industrialization and modernization, Vietnam places a high value on having a skilled and competitive labor force. Education, particularly higher education, plays a vital role for the nation and its people. In addition, Vietnamese culture places a premium on academic achievement as a status symbol. This project's objective is to investigate the central issue of the IIS A1 curriculum, namely student learning competence. IIS. A1 is an official bachelor's degree program from UEH University. The Talented Program of Business Administration has been in existence for more than 10 years. Significant accomplishments of the IIS.A1 program include achieving international standards from the FIBAA and obtaining a certificate from CPA Australia in early 2018; however, the graduation rate on the time of students has not met the expectation of the Board of Director which should be 65%. After evaluating all factors, the major problem becomes apparent. The research is to determine the root source of the problem, which is student learning management. The author then recommends an alternative strategy and action plan for the university to examine. This project is based on both primary and secondary data, and qualitative research was conducted to provide further insight into the problem.

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